macchine WEIGHT LOSS - Cavitation : liposuction effect   without surgery
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Having a perfect body without efforts, what do the technologies offer for weight loss?

The instruments for the slimming and body care are always required in the beauty centres. The technological innovations and modern life rhythms increase the demand and the offer of alternative methods for the weight loss and to have a perfect body, by spending few time and no efforts.



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activa dimagrimento attivo


activa dimagrimento attivo

  Lypo Ultra Cavitation - Cavitation: liposuction effect without surgery

GENERAL The ultrasounds are acoustic vibrations with a 16.000 Hz frequency, the human ear doesn’t perceive these vibrations that spread like compression- decompression waves.  The ultrasounds will be produced artificially through a piezo-electric effect   by using a quarts or a ceramic disk.
The ultrasound equipment furnishes through a cable where the transducer is inserted, that transforms the electric energy into mechanic energy.
The properties of the ultrasounds base on this mechanic vibrations.
With these vibrations we obtain high intensity energy. The tissue vibrates with the same frequency and receives the effects like pressure, warming and modification in the physic –chemical behaviour.
The consequence is the intercellular change and a production of thermal, electric and chemical effects from those effects derivate the variation of the cells and the formation of anti-toxin.
The ultrasounds in the medical therapy and beauty treatments are mechanic vibrations with a frequency of more than 16Khz.
Up to now, the frequency was from 1 to 3 Mhz) and their effect bases on the energy ultrasonic handover towards the tissues.
The new solution, result of the scientific research, is the use of ultrasounds systems at low frequency to increase the effect of the cavitation.
The cavitation is the consequence of the compression and depression alternation of the submitted substances to the turbulence wave at low frequency with an effect of turbulence.
Thanks to the first one we have a momentary reduction of the skin barrier for the oscillation of the same barrier, this movement facilitates the substances absorption via trans-skin, while deeply, we obtain a fluidity of the liquid and solid substances. 

This second effect is due to a phenomenon, called Cavitation.
The oscillation provoked by the low frequency ultrasounds, creates the formation of micro- bubbles that implode in the fat, in this way the fat comes out without damaging the cellular membranes.
The frequency of the work is regulated for the continuous or modulated emission allowing a deeper and softer effect given the homogeneous ultrasonic supply absorbed gradually and deeply. The energetic density is 3W/Cmq and returns in the security limits.

LCD DISPLAY – touch screen from 9’’  with high luminosity.
Handle, ergonomic transducer, cold head to work on waste areas.
Efficacy and security with the help of 8 same power heads applied for the maintenance.


The ultrasonic energy differs from other used forms of physical energy because the action mechanism joined three components: intense effect of pulsation of the cellular tissue with the entire related phenomena.
Dynamic effect: the sound vibration is constituted by contraptions and dilations of the material that go through the machine with sound speed and with a frequency of the generator.
This message is more intense than a normal manual message, both because it has concentrations of the different forces and because it has a different frequency; the pressure phenomena and traction are separated by short intervals.
The irradiation generates a local diathermy, because the energy changes into heath.

Chemical effect: the acceleration power shows the modification of the local PH and the cellular membranes permeability with the following migration of the collagen substances for the elimination of the gases and batteries destruction (cavitation effect).  

The cellulite treatment with the ultrasounds leads to the following effects:
Destabilization of the fat, reduced in the volume and compactness, reduction of the mass of fat.
Diuretic effects after the passage of electrolytes and water increase in the fat, for the lymph system and the flow blood with the increase of the kidney activity, muscles brace and diathermy effect.

Lypo Sonic Ultra Cavitation is an equipment for beauty treatments. Before the use, read carefully the user’s guide and controlling all the listed contraindications.

POWER………………………………………….230 V50 Hz
ABSORPTION…………………………………70 VA
SECURITY………………………………………1 FUSIBILE 1.6.A
WEIGHT…………………………………………25 KG
POWER…………………………………………..500 KHZ
OUTPUTS PLATES……………………………...8
OUTPUT HANDLE………………………………1
 GENERAL TIME…………………………….from 5 to 30 minutes



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Accanto alle tradizionali macchine per il WEIGHT LOSS La Playa affianca PRODUCTS brevettati e realizzati nei propri laboratori tecnici, nonchè le ultimissime novità che la tecnologia offre.


Regolazione eletronica della temperatura, ozono terapia ed impiego dei raggi infrarossi per il WEIGHT LOSS.